
Sunil Gavaskar big statement on Team indian batters says they play good in home but flop in outside WTC Final 2023 | Team India: भारतीय बल्लेबाज सिर्फ घर में हैं शेर… दिग्गज ने दिया सुई की तरह चुभने वाला बयान!
IND vs AUS, WTC Final 2023: टीम इंडिया ने पिछले तीन सालों में लगातार दो बार वर्ल्ड टेस्ट चैंपियनशिप फाइनल ...

West can’t stop Iran from getting nukes, Iran supreme leader says
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is warning that the West cannot stop his country from obtaining nuclear weapons. Speaking Sunday ...

Children in England won’t be regularly provided puberty blockers at gender clinics, health service says
The publicly funded health service in England has decided it will not routinely offer puberty-blocking drugs to children at gender ...

Former Cricketer Aakash Chopra says i dont think captaincy has any issue IND vs AUS WTC Final 2023 | Team India: विराट कोहली अच्छे कप्तान नहीं… WTC फाइनल के बाद इस दिग्गज का चौंकाने वाला बयान!
WTC Final 2023: टीम इंडिया ऑस्ट्रेलिया के खिलाफ वर्ल्ड टेस्ट चैंपियनशिप फाइनल 2023 हार गई. इसके साथ ही टीम का ...

Silvio Berlusconi, controversial Italian ex-prime minister, dead at 86, his media company says
Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi has died at the age of 86, his former TV network reported Monday.”Berlusconi is dead,” ...

BCCI president Roger Binny says i think we lost the match on the first day WTC final 2023 IND vs AUS | WATCH: ‘पहले ही दिन भारत हार गया था WTC Final ट्रॉफी…’, BCCI के बयान से मचा बवाल!
Team India: भारत और ऑस्ट्रेलिया के बीच पांचवें दिन के पहले सेशन तक चले वर्ल्ड टेस्ट चैंपियनशिप फाइनल मैच में ...