
Piyush Goyal lauds growth of startups, says ‘collective responsibility of all nations to support innovation’
Image Source : PTI Piyush Goyal lauds growth of startups, says ‘collective responsibility of all nations to support innovation’ India’s ...

Is there a connection between diabetes and fatty liver disease know what expert says | क्या डायबिटीज और फैटी लिवर रोग के बीच है कोई कनेक्शन? जानिए एक्सपर्ट की राय
Diabetes and fatty liver: डायबिटीज और नॉन-अल्कोहलिक फैटी लिवर रोग (NAFLD) में कई समानताएं हैं. वास्तव में, इनके बीच एक ...

Russia attempts to link US to alleged Moscow drone attack, says West provided ‘intelligence’
Russian officials are trying to link the U.S. and NATO to an alleged Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow on Tuesday, ...

Measles protection is paramount before traveling outside the US, says CDC
A recent health alert from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns travelers to protect themselves against measles ...

Startup20 summit: Govt will act as facilitator to bolster startups, not regulator, says Piyush Goyal
Image Source : TWITTER Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal Startup20 summit: Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said on ...

Russian military says it fended off Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow-
By Associated Press The Russian military said Tuesday it fended off a Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow that prompted authorities ...