
Does doing exercise after heart attack is beneficial or harmful know what research says | हार्ट अटैक के बाद व्यायाम करना फायदेमंद या नुकसान? शोध में सामने आई ये खास बात
Exercise after heart attack: हार्ट अटैक एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जिसका संबंध सीधा दिल की क्षमता के साथ होता ...

As world leaders sent in their I-Day wishes, Putin says ‘India enjoys world’s respect’-
Express News Service NEW DELHI: Greetings poured in from around the world for India, which is celebrating its 77th Independence ...

Armenia says Azerbaijan fired on EU observers near border-
By AFP YEREVAN: Armenia said on Tuesday that Azerbaijan’s military had opened fire on European Union observers monitoring the volatile ...

Islamic State group commands thousands of members in Syria, Iraq: Fighters pose threat, says UN experts
The Islamic State group still commands between 5,000 and 7,000 members across its former stronghold in Syria and Iraq and ...

On I-Day, actor Akshay Kumar becomes Indian citizen, says ‘Dil aur citizenship, dono Hindustani’-
By Online Desk MUMBAI: Actor Akshay Kumar on Tuesday announced that he has once again become an Indian citizen, a news ...