
Turkey says Azerbaijan addressing ‘justified’ concerns in Karabakh-
By AFP ISTANBUL: Azerbaijan’s close ally Turkey on Tuesday defended Baku’s military operation against Nagorno-Karabakh, saying it was addressing “justified” ...

Azerbaijan says launching ‘anti-terror operations’ in Karabakh-
By AFP BAKU: Azerbaijan said Tuesday it had launched “anti-terrorist operations” in Nagorno-Karabakh, almost three years after it went to ...

Canada not looking to provoke India or escalate tensions, says PM Justin Trudeau-
By PTI TORONTO: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday said he was not looking to “provoke” India or “escalate” ...

Nawaz Sharif says Pakistan begging for money from world while India reached moon, blames Army-
By PTI LAHORE: Pakistan’s self-exiled former prime minister Nawaz Sharif has said that his country is begging money from the ...

Azerbaijan says opened civilian exit routes from Karabakh amid new tensions on Tuesday-
By AFP Azerbaijan on Tuesday demanded the “complete withdrawal” of Armenian forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh region as a condition for ...