
how to get rid from ringworm Dont eat these 5 things even by mistake | खुजली और दाद-खाज से परेशान हैं? भूलकर भी न खाएं ये 5 चीजें

how to get rid from ringworm Dont eat these 5 things even by mistake | खुजली और दाद-खाज से परेशान हैं? भूलकर भी न खाएं ये 5 चीजें


गर्मी के मौसम में खुजली और दाद-खाज जैसी त्वचा संबंधी समस्याएं आम हो जाती हैं. ये समस्याएं न केवल परेशान ...

CDC on guard over deadly fungus spreading throughout the US

Ringworm resistant to common antifungals for first time in US: What to know about the skin infection


Two cases of a common fungal infection known as tinea, or ringworm, failed to respond to standard treatment due to ...

What did the CDC know and when did they know it?: Curtis Houck

Drug-resistant ringworm detected in US for first time, CDC says


For the first time, two cases of highly contagious drug-resistant ringworm infections have been detected in the United States, according ...