
BJP holds parleys before coming out with first list

BJP in a bind over Rajkot amid Kshatriya resistance


AHMEDABAD : The BJP is facing a dilemma over the Rajkot Lok Sabha seat in Gujarat, amidst protests from Kshatriyas ...

Burma resistance group says its drones hit targets in the capital, but army says it shot them down

Burma resistance group says its drones hit targets in the capital, but army says it shot them down


BANGKOK (AP) — Myanmar’s main pro-democracy resistance group said Thursday its armed wing launched drone attacks on the airport and ...

How to control Blood Sugar, Ayurveda expert shared 4 kitchen spice for diabetes and insulin resistance| Ayurveda For Diabetes: डायबिटीज में दवा सा असर दिखाते हैं किचन के ये 4 मसाले, आयुर्वेद डॉ से जानें शुगर कंट्रोल करने के लिए कैसे खाएं

How to control Blood Sugar, Ayurveda expert shared 4 kitchen spice for diabetes and insulin resistance| Ayurveda For Diabetes: डायबिटीज में दवा सा असर दिखाते हैं किचन के ये 4 मसाले, आयुर्वेद डॉ से जानें शुगर कंट्रोल करने के लिए कैसे खाएं


आयुर्वेद एक्सपर्ट डॉक्टर दीक्षा भावसार सावलिया बताती हैं कि आयुर्वेद किसी बीमारी को रोकने/ठीक करने के साथ-साथ यह उसकी जटिलताओं ...

Why does the neck of a diabetic patient turn black what is insulin resistance | डायबिटीज पेशेंट की गर्दन क्यों हो जाती है काली? जानें क्‍या है इंसुलिन रेजिस्टेंस

Why does the neck of a diabetic patient turn black what is insulin resistance | डायबिटीज पेशेंट की गर्दन क्यों हो जाती है काली? जानें क्‍या है इंसुलिन रेजिस्टेंस


डायबिटीज एक गंभीर बीमारी है, जो शरीर के विभिन्न अंगों को प्रभावित कर सकती है. अगर इसका समय पर इलाज ...

Burma's military government begins conscripting citizens as resistance forces prove formidable

Burma’s military government begins conscripting citizens as resistance forces prove formidable


Burma’s military government on Saturday activated for the first time a decade-old conscription law that makes young men and women ...

What is Iran’s ‘axis of resistance’ and why is it uniting in fury against the US and Israel?

What is Iran’s ‘axis of resistance’ and why is it uniting in fury against the US and Israel?


United by resistanceBut even though these groups share deep political and ideological connections, they still operate as nationalist organisations in ...

Drone attack in eastern Burma kills at least 5, including senior army official

Burmese resistance outlines plan for transition of power from military junta


A joint statement released Wednesday by Burmese rebel forces outlined a political road map to the end of military rule ...

Who is the Iran-backed coalition Islamic Resistance in Iraq, responsible for deadly drone strike on US troops?

Who is the Iran-backed coalition Islamic Resistance in Iraq, responsible for deadly drone strike on US troops?


Join Fox News for access to this content Plus get unlimited access to thousands of articles, videos and more with ...

How much influence does Iran have over its proxy ‘Axis of Resistance’ − Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis?

How much influence does Iran have over its proxy ‘Axis of Resistance’ − Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis?


Hezbollah: Iran’s pivotal partnerEstablished in the early 1980s, Hezbollah – a Shiite militant organization – emerged with direct assistance from Iran’s Revolutionary ...

Nine Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza City ambush in sign that Hamas resistance is still strong-

Nine Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza City ambush in sign that Hamas resistance is still strong-


By Associated Press DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip: Palestinian militants carried out one of the deadliest single attacks on Israeli soldiers ...