
New hair loss treatments may be on the way after major discovery, researchers say
A major discovery in hair growth research could pave the way for future medications, a San Diego biopharmaceutical company has ...

Malaria Treatment: researchers discovered natural antibiotic to treat malaria in right way | मलेरिया के इलाज के लिए मिला सटीक रास्ता, शोधकर्ताओं ने खोजा नेचुरल एंटीबायोटिक
मलेरिया एक प्रकार का गंभीर रोग है, जो मुख्य रूप से एनोफेलीस मच्छरों के काटने से होता है. इसका समय ...

Researchers use AI to predict crops in Africa to help address food crisis
A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool could help African countries better track and predict crop rotations and yields, providing a ...

Climate change not to blame for triple-whammy cyclones, floods ravaging Italy: researchers
A triple-whammy of cyclones that led to devastating floods across northern Italy is not attributable to climate change, a study ...

AI in dentistry: Researchers find that artificial intelligence can create better dental crowns
Artificial intelligence is taking on an ever-widening role in the health and wellness space, assisting with everything from cancer detection ...

Massive sea urchin die-off in Israeli gulf threatens nearby coral reefs, researchers say
Sea urchins are dying off at an alarming rate in Israel’s Gulf of Eilat.The die-off of sea urchins first began ...

Three’s a crowd: Researchers create babies using unusual number of DNA samples
British scientists have created infants using strands of DNA from three people, a technique that aims to reduce the risk ...