
Bhupal Ramnathkar's Reflections 2.0 at snowball studios

Bhupal Ramnathkar’s Reflections 2.0 at snowball studios


Snowball Studios is set to host the second edition of Bhupal Ramnathkar’s immersive photography series, titled “Reflections 2.0.” Following the ...

Reflections on Christianity

Reflections on Christianity


Persecution against Christians continues unabated in several parts of our country even during this Christmas season. It is sad that ...

Reflections from the Rajya Sabha: Suspended, but why? Apologise? For what?

Reflections from the Rajya Sabha: Suspended, but why? Apologise? For what?


When I was an undergrad in college in the midsixties, I had come across a word, which I could neither ...