
Nobel physics prize goes to three scientists for climate discoveries-
By Associated Press STOCKHOLM: The Nobel Prize for physics has been awarded to scientists from Japan, Germany and Italy. Syukuro ...

Two US scientists win Nobel Prize in medicine for showing how we react to heat, touch-
By Associated Press STOCKHOLM: Two scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for their discoveries into how the ...

nobel prize 2021 for physiology medicine to david julius ardem patapoutian temperature touch ngmp | किसी के छूने पर हमारे शरीर में क्या होता है? खुलासा करने वाले इन वैज्ञानिकों को मिला नोबेल पुरस्कार
अगलीखबर Weight Loss Tips: मोटापे से परेशान हैं तो फॉलो करें यह असरदार फॉर्मूला, तेजी से घटेगा आपका वजन Source ...

Nobel Prize honors discovery of temperature, touch receptors-
By Associated Press STOCKHOLM: The Nobel Prize in the field of physiology or medicine has been awarded to U.S. scientists ...

Medicine award kicks off week of Nobel Prize announcements-
By Associated Press STOCKHOLM: The first of the 2021 Nobel Prizes are announced Monday with the naming of the winner, ...