
Around 100,000 people evacuated due to floods in Pakistan-

Around 100,000 people evacuated due to floods in Pakistan-


By AFP KASUR: Around 100,000 people have been evacuated from flooded villages in Pakistan’s Punjab province, emergency services said on ...

Seized liquor stolen from police station in Gujarat, 15 people including constable booked-

Seized liquor stolen from police station in Gujarat, 15 people including constable booked-


Express News Service AHMEDABAD: A large quantity of seized liquor was stolen from Piplod police station in Dahod, Gujarat, a state ...


These 5 people should avoid consuming milk at night otherwise problems increase milk side effects in hindi | Milk Side Effects: इन 5 लोगों को रात में नहीं पीना चाहिए दूध, फायदे की जगह हो जाएगा नुकसान


Milk at night: हम भारतीयों के घरों में सोने से पहले दूध पीना एक आम परंपरा है जिसे अक्सर अच्छी ...


Diabetes making people blind blindness cases increasing rapidly in India know how to stop it | कभी न ठीक होने वाली ये बीमारी लोगों को बना रही अंधा, भारत में तेजी से बढ़ रहे मामले


Blindness: भारत सहित दक्षिण-पूर्व एशिया में कमजोर नजरें और अंधेपन के मामले लगातार बढ़ रहे हैं. इसे देखते हुए विश्व ...


by 2050 100 crore people will suffer from Osteoarthritis Know how its symptoms seems | 2050 तक 100 करोड़ लोग होंगे ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस के शिकार! जानिए किस तरह मिलते हैं लक्षण


2050 तक दुनियाभर में लगभग एक अरब (100 करोड़) लोगों को ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस होने की संभावना है. यह दावा लैंसेट के ...

Rescuers save 8 people trapped in cable car dangling above canyon in Pakistan-

Rescuers save 8 people trapped in cable car dangling above canyon in Pakistan-


By Associated Press PESHAWAR, Pakistan:  Army commandos using helicopters and a makeshift chairlift rescued eight people from a broken cable ...

Maharashtra Agriculture Minister asks people to stop consuming onion if they can't afford it-

Maharashtra Minister asks people to stop consuming onion if they can’t afford it-


Express News Service MUMBAI: With onion farmers and traders up in arms against the Centre’s announcement to impose 40 per ...


Risk of cardiovascular disease increase due to bad gums more than 15 million people die from heart disease | खराब मसूड़ों से इस बीमारी का अधिक खतरा, हर साल होती है 1.5 करोड़ से ज्यादा लोगों की मौत


Sore gum: आमतौर पर मसूड़ों की बीमारी से दांतों में कई तरह की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा है. इसमें सांसों ...

Maharashtra Agriculture Minister asks people to stop consuming onion if they can't afford it-

Maharashtra Agriculture Minister asks people to stop consuming onion if they can’t afford it-


Express News Service MUMBAI: With onion farmers and traders up in arms against the Centre’s announcement to impose 40 per ...

RPF constable who killed four people on moving train a repeated 'assaulter of Muslims'-

RPF constable who killed four people on moving train a repeated ‘assaulter of Muslims’-


By Online Desk Former RPF constable Chetansinh Chaudhary who killed his senior and three Muslim men aboard the Jaipur-Mumbai Central ...