
Slovenian rescuers work to save 5 people trapped in Krizna Jama cave
Rescuers in Slovenia are working to extract five people who became trapped in Krizna Jama cave for over two days ...

New gun law blocks over 500 firearms from being bought by young people in US: Attorney General-
By Associated Press WASHINGTON: More than 500 gun purchases have been blocked since a new gun law requiring stricter background ...

Japan lowers its tsunami warning but still tells people not to go home after a series of earthquakes-
By Associated Press TOKYO: Japan dropped its highest-level tsunami alert, issued following a series of major earthquakes on Monday, but ...

4 people likely to get vitamin b12 deficiency quickly know its symptoms b12 rich vegetarian foods | Vitamin B12 Deficiency: किन लोगों में जल्दी होती है विटामिन बी12 की कमी, हिल जाता है शरीर का ढांचा
विटामिन बी12 एक आवश्यक पोषक तत्व है जो रेड ब्लड सेल्स के उत्पादन, नर्वस सिस्टम के काम और DNA संश्लेषण ...

New blood pressure procedure is ‘game-changing’ for people with uncontrolled hypertension
Read this article for free! Plus get unlimited access to thousands of articles, videos and more with your free account! ...

Cancer burden rising in Aisa India second most affected country 9 lakh people died in one year | एशिया में कैंसर का बढ़ता बोझ, भारत दूसरा सबसे प्रभावित देश; सालभर में 9 लाख लोगों की मौत
एक नए अध्ययन ने खुलासा किया है कि एशिया में कैंसर का बोझ तेजी से बढ़ रहा है और भारत ...

Japan police arrest a knife-wielding woman after 4 people are reported injured
A woman wielding a knife injured four passengers on a train in Akihabara, Tokyo on Wednesday night.At least three stabbed ...