
Nearly 100,000 people in Mexico have disappeared
Almost 100,000 people have disappeared in Mexico, according to the country’s National Search Commission, which keeps a record existing since 1964.Most ...

5 people of one family died in road accident in Delhi Meerut Expressway upns
बिजनौर. मेरठ के परतापुर थानाक्षेत्र में सोमवार सुबह दिल्ली-मेरठ एक्सप्रेस (Delhi-Meerut Expressway) वे पर हुए दर्दनाक हादसे में 5 लोगों ...

Low-carb diet benefits heart health for overweight people, researchers say
A low-carb diet that is high in unsaturated fat may be beneficial for the cardiovascular health of those who are ...

COVID cases spike in Australian state of Victoria, government blames people watching sports at home
The Australian state of Victoria on Thursday reported a more than 50% jump in daily COVID-19 cases, and the government ...

Mihir Bhoj caste dispute Two people arrested in the case of sooting the names written on the inscription NODBK
नोएडा. सम्राट मिहिर भोज (Emperor Mihir Bhoj) की प्रतिमा के नीचे लगे शिलापट्ट पर लिखे उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी ...

3 people of same family died on spot in horrific road accident in saharanpur 2 serious upas
सहारनपुर. उत्तर प्रदेश सहारनपुर (Saharanpur) में आज फिर तेज रफ्तार के चलते बड़ा सड़क हादसा हुआ है. हादसे में एक ...

HDFC Bank to hire 2,500 people in next 6 months, aims to double rural presence
Image Source : PTI HDFC Bank to hire 2,500 people in next 6 months, aims to double rural presence HDFC ...