
Rabies patient becomes first fatal case in US after post-exposure treatment, report says
A Minnesota man is the first reported fatality due to rabies in the United States despite receiving appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis, ...

Patient steals ambulance he rode in to New York City hospital; police ends his joy ride-
By Associated Press TARRYTOWN, N.Y.: A patient stole the ambulance that had taken him to a New York City hospital ...

Patient steals ambulance that took him to New York City hospital, police end his joy ride-
By Associated Press TARRYTOWN, N.Y.: A patient stole the ambulance that had taken him to a New York City hospital ...

mysterious virus create havoc in African country Burundi as patient died in less than 24 hours after nosebleed | Nosebleed: अफ्रीका में रहस्यमय वायरस से हाहाकार, 24 घंटे के अंदर हो जाता है संक्रमित मरीज का काम तमाम
Mysterious virus in Africa: अफ्रीका के बुरुंडी देश में एक अज्ञात वायरस से लाखों लोगों में डर का माहौल है. ...

Belgian police fatally shoot patient at psychiatric clinic-
By Associated Press BRUSSELS: Belgian police on Tuesday fatally shot a patient carrying a bladed weapon at a psychiatric clinic ...

Catholic priest sues after allegedly being fired from hospital for answering patient questions about marriage
A Roman Catholic priest in the United Kingdom is pursuing legal action against a public hospital trust after he was ...

Doctor remove 30 kg tumor from patient stomach after operation in varanasi
अभिषेक जायसवालवाराणसी: महामना पंडित मदन मोहन मालवीय कैंसर केंद्र और होमी भाभा कैंसर अस्पताल के डॉक्टरों ने कमाल कर दिखाया ...