

Vitamin B12 deficiency often occurs in these people know its starting symptoms | Vitamin B12 Deficiency: इन लोगों में अक्सर हो जाती है विटामिन बी12 की कमी, जान लीजिए इसके शुरुआती संकेत


Deficiency of vitamin b12: विटामिन बी 12 शरीर के लिए आवश्यक एक विटामिन है, जिसे शरीर स्वयं नहीं बना सकता ...


Thyroid Symptoms women often ignore the symptoms of thyroid feet indicate in this way | Thyroid Symptoms: महिलाएं अक्सर कर देती है थायराइड के लक्षण को नजरअंदाज, पैरों से इस तरह मिलते हैं संकेत


थायराइड ग्रंथि गर्दन में स्थित एक छोटी तितली के आकार की ग्रंथि होती है, जो शरीर के मेटाबॉलिज्म को नियंत्रित ...


Back pain occur often due to 6 reasons know 3 ways to get relief | Back Pain: इन 6 कारणों की वजह से पीठ में अक्सर होता है दर्द, जानें आराम पाने के 3 उपाय


Back pain causes: आज के दौर में पीठ का दर्द एक आम समस्या बन गई है, जिससे लाखों लोग पीड़ित ...

Teachers fired over COVID jab refusal push back against unvaccinated migrants:

COVID-19’s lasting impact: ‘Less attractive’ people wear masks more often than others, study finds


In a post-COVID-19 world, people who perceive themselves as less attractive than others are more likely to keep wearing masks when ...


Fenugreek Leaves Side Effects: You often eat methi parathas in winter know side effects of methi leaves sscmp | Fenugreek Leaves Side Effects: सर्दियों में आप अक्सर खाते होंगे मेथी के पराठे, क्या आप जानते हैं इसके साइड इफेक्ट्स


Fenugreek Leaves Side Effects: हेल्दी हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियों में से एक मेथी के पत्ते हैं. यह बहुमुखी जड़ी बूटी फलीदार ...


Weight loss: People often make these 3 common mistakes while losing weight Are you also one of them sscmp | Weight loss: वजन घटाते वक्त लोग अक्सर करते हैं ये 3 सामान्य गलतियां; क्या आप भी उनमें से एक हैं?


भले ही लोग फिट रहने के लिए लोग अपनी नींद और पसंदीदा फूड को त्याग देते हैं, लेकिन फिर भी ...

Christina Applegate's MS: Here's why early symptoms are often overlooked

Christina Applegate’s MS: Here’s why early symptoms are often overlooked


Actress Christina Applegate apparently overlooked the early symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) before she was diagnosed last summer while on ...

NHS tightens restrictions on transgender health care, warns UK parents that transgenderism is often a 'phase'

NHS tightens restrictions on transgender health care, warns UK parents that transgenderism is often a ‘phase’


The United Kingdom’s National Health Service now says that most children claiming to be transgender may be going through a ...

UN warns heatwaves will happen more often until 2060s-

UN warns heatwaves will happen more often until 2060s-


By AFP Heatwaves like the one stifling western Europe are becoming more frequent and the trend is set to continue ...

When outcome is often certain and messaging important-

When outcome is often certain and messaging important-


By PTI NEW DELHI: Outcomes of presidential polls have been mostly certain even before the first vote was cast and ...