

Hypertension is not less than a silent killer make 5 changes in your habits to control high BP unique story | साइलेंट किलर से कम नहीं है हाइपरटेंशन, BP को कंट्रोल करने के लिए अपनी आदतों में करें 5 बदलाव


हाइपरटेंशन यानी हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को अक्सर साइलेंट किलर कहा जाता है. इस बीमारी में लाखों लोगों के जीवन में ...

Wet-hot extremes, not dry-hot, will prevail more as Earth warms, new study finds-

Wet-hot extremes, not dry-hot, will prevail more as Earth warms, new study finds-


By PTI NEW DELHI: Simultaneous rainfall and heat extremes will become more frequent, severe and widespread due to climate change, ...


Worst food combinations do not eat milk papaya tomato and curd lemon even by mistake bad digestive health | Worst Food Combinations: नींबू के साथ गलती से भी न खाएं ये 4 चीजें, पाचन तंत्र पर पड़ेगा बुरा असर


Bad food combination: इसमें कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है कि गलत भोजन के संयोजन से पाचन से जुड़ी कई ...

Russian missile strike on Ukraine market kills 17 as Blinken announces new USD 1B aid package-

Russian involved in reburying soldiers killed in WW2 rues his country has not learnt ‘right lesson f-


By Online Desk It seems like Russia didn’t learn the right lesson from history, rues Konstantin Dobrovolski, who has spent ...

COVID booster warning from Florida surgeon general, who advises people not to get new vaccine

COVID booster warning from Florida surgeon general, who advises people not to get new vaccine


While speaking at a Thursday news conference for Gov. Ron DeSantis in Jacksonville, Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, that state’s surgeon ...

4 minutes of intense activity can slash cancer risk among ‘non-exercisers’: Study

These 5 steps can help you build a better body: ‘It’s not rocket science’


One out of every three American adults — or about 36% of the country’s population — is living with obesity, ...

Opposites may not attract after all: Recent study reveals the fascinating similarities between most couples

Opposites may not attract after all: Recent study reveals the fascinating similarities between most couples


The well-known saying that “opposites attract” may not always be accurate, according to a recent report from the University of ...


Diet pills do not take supplements for weight loss it will cause heart attack stroke liver damage | Diet Pills: वजन घटाने के लिए भूलकर भी न लें सप्लीमेंट्स, शरीर को इस तरह पहुंचाती है नुकसान


Side effects of diet pills: खराब आहार और जीवनशैली के कारण, कई लोगों को मोटापे की समस्या हो जाती है. ...

Russia says will not boycott 2024 Paris Olympics-

Russia says will not boycott 2024 Paris Olympics-


By AFP MOSCOW: Russia’s Olympic Committee has said Moscow would not be boycotting the 2024 Olympics in Paris and every ...