
Clashes erupt as Israel police storm flashpoint Jerusalem mosque-
By AFP Israeli police clashed with Palestinians inside Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque Wednesday, sparking a military exchange of rockets and air ...

Violence at Jerusalem holy site Al-Aqsa Mosque after Israeli police raid raises fears of escalation-
By Associated Press JERUSALEM: Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City early Wednesday, firing stun grenades at Palestinians ...

Clashes erupt as Israel police enter flashpoint Jerusalem mosque-
By AFP JERUSALEM: Israeli police arrested more than 350 people after clashes erupted inside Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque early Wednesday ...

Police alert this mosque is covered before holi but why know critical reason
रिपोर्ट – वसीम अहमद अलीगढ़. होली के त्यौहार (Holi 2023) पर देश और प्रदेश समेत यूपी के अलीगढ़ जिले में ...