
Police in Puerto Rico rescue a rhesus macaque monkey chased by a crowd
Police in Puerto Rico captured a rhesus macaque monkey on Friday that was being chased by a crowd of people ...

Monkey mayhem as wild animals wreak havoc in supermarket raid: video
A group of wild monkeys raided a supermarket and made off with a haul of bananas in a bizarre hit-and-run ...

South Korea reports 16 new monkey pox infections in 1st week of May-
By IANS SEOUL: South Korea confirmed 16 new cases of monkeypox for the first week of May, bringing the country’s ...

Monkey named Route calls 911 from zoo-
By Associated Press SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif: Cops usually have a prime suspect. In this case it’s a primate suspect. ...

Monkeypox recovery foods include these 6 types of food to get cured from monkey pox virus and strong immunity | डाइट में शामिल करें 6 फूड्स, जल्द ठीक होगा मंकीपॉक्स और मजबूत होगी इम्यूनिटी
Food for Monkeypox recovery: मंकीपॉक्स का खतरा रोजाना दुनियाभर में बढ़ता जा रहा है. भले ही यह नया वायरस कोविड-19 ...

The reign of Japan’s monkey queen under threat amid breeding season and love triangle-
By Online Desk The reign of Japan’s monkey queen Yakei is reportedly under threat. It was only last year the ...

Monkey took one and half month old baby drown him in water filled drum
बागपत. पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश के बागपत (Baghpat News) के गढ़ी कलंजरी गांव में बीती रात डेढ़ माह के बच्चे की ...