
कोई इन्हें भी बताओ कि Omicron भी है, न मास्क और न ही सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग, देखें Photos
ओमिक्रॉन के ख़तरे को देखते हुए सरकार ने 25 दिसम्बर से रात्रिकालीन कर्फ्यू लगाने का एलान कर दिया है. पच्चीस ...

warning about effectiveness of cloth masks in preventing omicron know best mask for corona samp | सावधान: ओमिक्रॉन से नहीं बचाता कपड़े का मास्क? इस तरीके का मास्क पहनना करें शुरू!
ओमिक्रॉन के मामले भारत में तेजी से बढ़ते जा रहे हैं और इससे बचाव के लिए सरकार जरूरी कदम उठा ...

Spain issues outdoor mask mandate amid COVID-19 spike
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is convening a special Cabinet meeting Thursday to pass a law by decree that makes ...

California exempts San Francisco from COVID indoor mask rule-
By Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO: California is exempting San Francisco from a rule that takes effect Wednesday requiring all people ...

California brings back mask mandate as coronavirus cases rise-
By Associated Press SACRAMENTO: California is bringing back a rule requiring people to wear masks indoors, a move aimed at ...

skin care tips skin cleansing neem face mask gora hone ka tarika brmp | Skin care tips: चेहरे पर इस चीज के साथ लगाएं नीम, चमक जाएगी स्किन, मिलेगा शानदार निखार
Skin care tips: ठंड के दौरान स्किन में नमी कम होने के कारण वह ड्राई हो जाती है, साथ ही ...

New York’s COVID-19 surge is back and so is its mask mandate-
By PTI NEW YORK: Facing a cold-weather surge in COVID-19 infections, New York Gov Kathy Hochul announced Friday that masks ...

New UK mask rules start with Johnson under fire over parties
Face masks are once again required in indoor public spaces in England under the measures British Prime Minister Boris Johnson ...

New UK mask rules start as PM Boris Johnson under fire over parties-
By Associated Press LONDON: Tighter restrictions to curb the coronavirus came into force in Britain on Friday, as the government ...