
Umesh Yadav Statement day 2 Press Conference accepts batsmen not made sufficient runs IND vs AUS 3rd Test | टीम इंडिया पर प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में ‘बिफर’ गया ये खिलाड़ी, मान ली बल्लेबाजों की गलती!
Umesh Yadav PC, IND vs AUS 3rd Test: भारतीय टीम ने ऑस्ट्रेलिया के सामने बॉर्डर-गावस्कर ट्रॉफी टेस्ट सीरीज के तीसरे ...

Indian man extradited to Australia, charged with killing a dog walker in 2018
Australian police in the northeast city of Cairns charged Indian national Rajwinder Singh with murder Thursday, two years after Australia ...

Florida man dies after contracting brain-eating infection from rinsing sinuses with tap water
A man in south Florida died from a brain-eating infection last month after using tap water during sinus rinses, according ...

Religion conversion case man forced to convert to muslim deceit
हाइलाइट्सयुवक को शादी और नोकरी का झांसा देकर धर्मपरिवर्तन दस साल पहले घर से ले जाकर धर्म परिवर्तन करा दिया थाअमरोहा. उत्तर ...

Man suspected of cannibalism detained at airport after police found ‘pieces of meat’ in suitcase
Portuguese authorities arrested a Brazilian man as he passed through an airport carrying a suitcase filled with pieces of meat, ...

Connecticut man visiting Israel for wedding buried following terrorist attack
JERUSALEM, Israel—A Connecticut-born dual American-Israeli national was identified as the victim of a terror attack Tuesday. Elan Ganeles was killed ...

Peruvian man found with 800-year-old mummy he called his ‘spiritual girlfriend’
Peruvian police took a man into custody over the weekend who was carrying around a mummy up to 800 years ...