

Yoga for strong bones: Bone health is more important than you think do these yoga to make bone stronger sscmp | Yoga for strong bones: आपकी सोच से ज्यादा जरूरी है हड्डियों की सेहत, हेल्दी बोन्स के लिए करें ये योगासन


Yoga for strong bones: क्या आप किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को जानते हैं, जो ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (Osteoporosis) से पीड़ित है? शरीर का मूलभूत ...


Do not make these 5 mistakes to improve your digestion and cure constipation sscmp | Constipation: पाचन तंत्र को सुधारना चाहते हैं तो ना करें ये 5 गलतियां, कब्ज की समस्या भी होगी दूर


Constipation: स्वस्थ दिल का रास्ता आपके पेट से होकर जाता है. लेकिन यह सिर्फ दिल की बात नहीं है, आपके ...

says Rishi Sunak after defeat-

Rishi Sunak wants to change UK-India relationship to make it more two-way exchange-


By PTI LONDON: Rishi Sunak, who is set to be Britain’s first Indian-origin prime minister, recently said that he wants ...

Iran-Russia relationship looms large over nuclear talks, Ukraine war

Iran’s assistance to Russian war effort could make the country an enemy combatant, experts say


Continued assistance to Russia in the form of drones and weapons could place Iran at risk of being considered an ...

Actor Sonu Sood appears in court as witness in 2014 firing at producer's home-

Sonu Sood to make writing debut with ‘Fateh’-


By Express News Service Actor Sonu Sood will make his writing debut in an upcoming film exploring digital scams. The ...


Weak Bones: does laziness make bones weak know what experts say sscmp | Weak Bones: क्या आलसपन बनाता है हड्डियों को कमजोर? जानें क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट


Weak Bones: कैल्शियम की कमी से हड्डियों की डेंसिटी घनत्व और ताकत कम हो जाती है, जिससे खराब पोस्चर, असंतुलन, ...


turmeric milk will boost energy and fight with diseases know right way to make nsmp | Turmeric Milk: हल्दी दूध से बूस्ट होगी एनर्जी और तमाम बीमारियां दूर, जानिए बनाने का सही तरीका


Turmeric Milk In Winters: हल्दी अपने एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट गुणों के लिए जानी जाती है. इस कारण आयुर्वेद में हल्दी का विशेष ...

This mutual fund promises to make your Diwali more prosperous - Here's how

This mutual fund promises to make your Diwali more prosperous – Here’s how


Image Source : FILE PHOTO/AP Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated by people cutting across religions through out India ...

We never make a film thinking about its sequel-

We never make a film thinking about its sequel-


By IANS PANJIM: Amidst the impeccable view of pristine beaches and serene environment, the trailer of ‘Drishyam 2’ was released ...

In conservative Florida, LGBT community fights to make its voice heard-

In conservative Florida, LGBT community fights to make its voice heard-


By AFP ORLANDO: A Beyonce hit thumped in the background as Pride parade participants marched on Saturday through the streets of ...