
UN nuclear watchdog says ‘no progress’ has been made in monitoring Iranian nuclear program: report
A confidential International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report assessed that international efforts to monitor Iran’s nuclear program have made “no ...

‘AGT’ Results: Which Acts Have Made It Through The Qualifiers?
It’s getting down the wire on ‘AGT.’ The next two acts that made it to the finals were revealed on ...

German court rejects appeal made by solider who plotted to attack politicians, posed as a refugee from Syria
A German federal court said Thursday that it has rejected an appeal by a military officer who posed as a ...

Maida side effects stop eating foods made of white flour maida for one month changes in body will shock you | Maida Side Effects: एक महीने के लिए न खाएं समोसा, मोमोज; मैदा से बनी चीजों को छोड़ने पर मिलेंगे 5 बड़े फायदे
Maida khane ke nuksan: मैदा एक प्रकार का अनाज होता है, लेकिन इसके बावजूद मैदा से बनी चीजों में कई ...

WHO warns against India made cough syrup deal cold cough naturally with desi home remedies | भारत के इस कफ सिरप को WHO ने बताया ‘जहर’, खांसी की समस्या से हैं परेशान तो अपनाएं ये देसी इलाज
भारत में बनने वाली दवाओं तथा कफ सिरप पर पिछले कुछ महीनों में लगातार सवाल उठते रहे हैं. अब विश्व ...