
India to improve drug regulatory system with $80M after locally made cough syrup was linked to 89 child deaths
India to improve drug regulatory system with $80M after locally made cough syrup was linked to 89 child deathsIndia will ...

Budget 2023: India will be completely free from sickle cell anemia disease by 2047 government made a plan | Budget 2023: 2047 तक भारत इस बीमारी से हो जाएगा पूरी तरह मुक्त, सरकार ने बनाया प्लान
Budget 2023: केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने आज वित्त वर्ष 2023-24 का आम बजट पेश किया. इस बजट से विशेषज्ञों ...

UN Security Council must be made more representative of developing countries: India
India's envoy told the UNGA that the approach to intergovernmental negotiation (IGN) needed a “comprehensive rehaul” and pushed for the process to be “more ...

weight loss tips eat food made in these oils lose weight by using these oils nsmp | Weight Loss Tips: इन तेल में बना हुआ खाना खाएंगे तो वजन घटाने में होगी आसानी
Weight Loss Tips From Oils: जिस प्रकार पानी हमारे शरीर के लिए जरूरी है, उसी तरह तेल का सेवन भी ...

Air India to finalise historic aircraft order; CEO Campbell says airline made ‘quite remarkable progress’
Image Source : AP Meanwhile, the airline has put in place a roadmap under Vihaan AI for transformation over the ...