
Man allegedly linked to drug cartel fatally shot at Starbucks in Mexico City
A man was shot to death at a Starbucks coffee shop in an upscale neighborhood of Mexico City, and police ...

Former Indian politician linked to organized crime gunned down on live television
An assassin posing as a journalist gunned down Indian politician Atiq Ahmed and his brother live on television Saturday evening.Ahmed, ...

Weight loss in elder men is linked with early death claims study | अध्ययन का दावा- पुरुषों में अगर दिखने लगे ये लक्षण तो समक्ष जाएं टाइम से पहले हो जाएगी मौत!
Sign of early death: हालिया एक अध्ययन में बुजुर्ग पुरुषों को लेकर एक चौंका देने वाला दावा हुआ है, जिसमें ...

Canada slashing suspect charged with terrorism linked to Islamic State
A suspect accused of slashing a person’s throat on a bus in the Canadian province of British Columbia has been ...

Eyedrops tainted with drug-resistant bacteria linked to 2 more deaths, additional vision loss cases
U.S. officials are reporting two more deaths and additional cases of vision loss linked to eyedrops tainted with a drug-resistant ...

Lower respiratory infections when young could be linked to earlier adult deaths: study
Children who contract lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) at two years of age or younger could be more likely to ...

At least 36 people killed by extremists linked to IS group in eastern Congo
At Least 36 people were killed by extremists in conflict-riddled eastern Congo, the military said on Thursday. The Allied Democratic ...