
Unique story: sitting for long hours is as dangerous as smoking keep 5 things in mind if you are doing desk job | देर तक बैठे रहना Smoking जितना खतरनाक, डेस्क जॉब करते हैं तो 5 बातों का रखें ध्यान
Side effects of sitting too long: आज के दौर में काम करने के पैटर्न में काफी बदलाव आया है. ज्यादातर ...

Five students beat, murdered by Mexican cartel in horrifically graphic video were lured by job offer: report
The five young men who went missing in Mexico and were later shown on camera being brutally murdered by a ...

Job Alert : यूपी में आंगनबाड़ी में निकली हजार से अधिक पदों पर भर्ती, जानिए पूरी डिटेल्स
अमित सिंह/ प्रयागराज : प्रयागराज में आंगनबाड़ी भर्ती का इंतजार कर रही महिलाओं के लिए बेहद अच्छी खबर है. जल्द ही ...

Kylie Jenner Had Boob Job At 19, She Confirms On ‘Kardashians’ – Hollywood Life
Just months before getting pregnant with her first child at the age of 20, Kylie Jenner had a boob job. Although ...

How bad is the job market Tech startup CEO reveals
Image Source : FILE PHOTO Representational image A Bengaluru-based tech startup founder and CEO took to Twitter to express his ...

World job market on brink of 'AI revolution': OECD
In its 2023 Employment Outlook, the OECD said there was little evidence of significant negative effects on employment from AI ...