
Too pretty? Easter poster depicting a handsome, fresh-faced Jesus prompts criticism in Spain
MADRID: A poster in the southern Spanish city of Seville that depicts a young, handsome Jesus wearing only a loincloth ...

Brazilian fitness influencer Mila De Jesus dies at the age of 35 | वजन घटाने के लिए जानी जाने वाली फिटनेस इन्फ्लुएंसर Mila De Jesus की 35 की उम्र में मौत
ब्राजील की फेमस फिटनेस इन्फ्लुएंसर मिला डी जीसस का 35 वर्ष की आयु में अचानक निधन हो गया है, जिससे ...

Under the shadow of war in Gaza, Jesus’ traditional birthplace is gearing up for a subdued Christmas-
By Associated Press BETHLEHEM, West Bank: Bethlehem is gearing up for a subdued Christmas, without the festive lights and customary ...

Birthplace of Jesus dismantling all Christmas decorations ‘in solidarity with our people in Gaza’
City officials in the birthplace of Jesus Christ are tearing down Christmas decorations in solidarity with Palestinians amid Israel’s continued ...

‘Biblical Highway’ film explores ‘original Bible belt’ in Israel where Jesus and Abraham walked
JERUSALEM—The cradle of Old Testament and New Testament history in Israel is the departure point for a feature-length film called ...

Steps where Jesus walked and healed a blind man unearthed for first time in 2,000 years
A new excavation project in Jerusalem has unearthed steps unseen in over 2,000 years at a place where the New ...

Pope Francis laments ‘secularism, indifference to God,’ urges recommitment to Jesus at World Youth Day vespers
Pope Francis emphasized the need for courage and resilience in the face of a secularized, increasingly pessimistic world during his ...

In the footsteps of Jesus: 2,000-year-old trade receipt found in Jerusalem
An ancient 2,000-year-old receipt was discovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) along the City of David’s Pilgrimage Road in ...

Stained glass window shows Jesus Christ with dark skin, stirring questions about race in New England-
By Associated Press WARREN: A nearly 150-year-old stained-glass church window that depicts a dark-skinned Jesus Christ interacting with women in ...

Art in European Parliament shows Jesus with gay ‘sadomasochistic slaves,’ sparking outrage: ‘Disgusting’
Conservative European politicians raged over artwork at the European Parliament in Brussels that depicted Jesus Christ delivering the Sermon on ...