
China launches its first USD 6 billion cross-border BRI train with Laos-
By PTI BEIJING: China on Friday, December 3, 2021, launched the first USD 6 billion cross-border train of its multi-billion-dollar ...

Canada confirms its first Covid cases in wildlife-
By AFP OTTAWA: Canada has confirmed its first cases of coronavirus in wildlife — in three white-tailed deer. The National ...

Singapore detects two apparent omicron cases, its first-
By Associated Press KUALA LUMPUR: Singapore’s health ministry said Thursday that preliminary tests detected the new omicron variant of the ...

comedian johnny levers son jessey lever was suffered from throat cancer know its symptoms and stages samp | जानलेवा बीमारी के कारण बीच में ही छूट गई थी Johnny Lever के बेटे की पढ़ाई, शरीर में दिखने लगते हैं ऐसे लक्षण
बीमारी के मारे, ये सितारे/सुरेंद्र अग्रवाल: कॉमेडियन जॉनी लीवर का बेटा भी उन स्टार किड की रेस में शामिल है, ...