
COVID-19: Researchers study long-term impact first round of infection had on sense of smell
Researchers in Sweden are trying to learn more about the long-term impact that the first wave of COVID-19 infections had ...

Czech anti-vax singer Hana Horka dies after deliberate Covid infection-
By AFP PRAGUE: An anti-vax Czech folk singer has died after she deliberately contracted Covid to obtain a health pass ...

Poland braces for highest infection rate so far in new Covid wave-
By Associated Press WARSAW: Poland’s health officials say that the country has entered a new, fifth wave, in the coronavirus pandemic, ...

american mans penis becomes small after covid infection know small private part after corona samp | कोरोना के कारण 1.5 इंच छोटा हो गया पुरुष का प्राइवेट पार्ट, डॉक्टर ने कहा- अब हमेशा रहेगा यही साइज
Man’s Small Private Part after Corona: पुरुष अपने प्राइवेट पार्ट की हेल्थ और साइज को लेकर काफी जागरुक रहते हैं. ...

Anti-COVID nasal spray could protect against infection for up to 8 hours: researchers
Scientists at the University of Helsinki have developed a novel nasal spray treatment that can reportedly provide protection against COVID-19 ...

florona is double infection of flu and corona know its symptoms in hindi samp | Florona: ‘डबल खतरा’ बनकर आया है फ्लोरोना! जानें इसके लक्षण और फैलने का तरीका
What is Florona and its Symptoms: लोग कोरोना में ही उलझे हुए थे, लेकिन इस दौरान Florona नाम का एक ...

Israel detects first case of ‘florona’ disease, a double infection of Covid-19 and influenza-
By Agencies TEL AVIV: Israel recorded the first case of “florona” disease, a double infection of COVID-19 and influenza, said ...