
world second hiv patient may be naturally cured of hiv infection said health research samp | चमत्कार: इलाज के बिना अपने आप ठीक हो गया HIV!, सिर्फ दो ही मरीज हो पाए हैं अबतक ‘इंफेक्शन फ्री’
WHO के अनुसार, 2020 के अंत तक दुनियाभर में करीब 3 करोड़ 70 लाख लोग एचआईवी से संक्रमित रहे. लेकिन ...

German COVID infection rate at new high as vaccinations slow-
By Associated Press BERLIN: Germany’s coronavirus infection rate climbed to its highest recorded level yet on Monday as what officials ...

Zika virus infection increased in Kanpur 25 new people infected nodkp
कानपुर. दीपावली से पहले ही जीका वायरस (Zika virus in Kanpur) ने कानपुर में बड़ा ‘विस्फोट’ कर दिया है. एयरफोर्स कर्मियों समेत ...

Prior COVID-19 infection does not protect as well as vaccine against reinfection: CDC
Patients hospitalized with COVID-like symptoms were five times more likely to test positive for Sars-Cov-2, if they were unvaccinated and ...

Zika virus infection in kanpur 9 suspects sample sent for lab test in lucknow 16 pregnant women under observation upat
विशेषज्ञों की टीमों ने जीका वायरस के संदिग्ध लक्षण वाले 9 व्यक्तियों की पहचान करते हुए उनके सैंपल जांच के ...

Serbia introduces evening COVID passes amid infection surge-
By Associated Press BELGRADE: Serbia on Wednesday introduced COVID-19 passes for indoor venues late at night following weeks of surging ...

Bill Clinton hospitalized with urological infection: Medical experts weigh in
Former President Bill Clinton was hospitalized Tuesday for a urological infection, a source close to the situation told Fox News. By ...

Bill Clinton Hospitalized Non-Covid Infection – Hollywood Life
Bill Clinton is at a medical facility in Irvine, California, his spokesperson confirmed on Thursday, Oct. 14. Bill Clinton has ...