
Child labour violations in US increased by nearly 70 per cent since 2018-
By Associated Press MADISON (Wisconsin): Lawmakers in several states are embracing legislation to let children work in more hazardous occupations, ...

Worldwide executions increased by 53% in 2022, rose in Iran, Saudi Arabia
Worldwide executions have increased by 53% in 2022, with a significant rise in Iran by 83% from 314 in 2021 ...

belly fat reducing increased rapidly follow these rules to decrease weight quickly | Belly Fat Tips: तेजी से बढ़ गई है पेट की चर्बी, तो अपना लें ये नियम, फटाफट घट जाएगा आपका वजन
How To Reduce Belly Fat: आज की युवा पीढ़ी अपने खानपान को लेकर बिल्कुल भी सोचते नहीं है. उनका जो ...

Office work has increased stress and anxiety follow these 5 tips to cool down your mind | ऑफिस के काम ने बढ़ा दिया है तनाव और एंग्जाइटी का लेवल, 5 टिप्स अपनाकर Cool करें अपना माइंड
Tips for managing stress and anxiety: आज के दौर में तकरीबन हर कोई सुबह उठकर ऑफिस का रुख करता है. ...

Macron under fire as French protests turn violent over increased retirement age
French President Emmanuel Macron is refusing to budge on his government upping the retirement age to 64, prompting hundreds of ...

Bitcoin’s coinbase premium reaches 3-year high due to increased USDC volatility
Image Source : FREEPIK Bitcoin’s coinbase premium reaches 3-year high due to increased USDC volatility Bitcoin is currently trading at ...

Low Cholesterol level is also dangerous brain function effects risk of cancer increased | Low Cholesterol: हाई की तरह लो कोलेस्ट्रॉल लेवल भी है बेहद खतरनाक, दिमाग पर पड़ता है बुरा असर; बढ़ जाता है कैंसर का खतरा
Low Cholesterol Level: कोलेस्ट्रॉल एक प्रकार का फैट है जो हार्मोन उत्पादन, कोशिका झिल्ली के रखरखाव और तंत्रिका कार्य सहित ...