
Japan nuclear plant urged to improve communication after radioactive water leak
A panel of safety experts have advised the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan to improve ...

Pakistan and Iran agree to work together to improve security after tit-for-tat airstrikes
Angered over the strikes, Pakistan recalled its ambassadors from Tehran and launched airstrikes against alleged militant hideouts inside Iran, in ...

86 per cent Indian CEOs expect economy to improve over next 12 months: Survey – India TV
Image Source : PIXABAY Growth About 86 per cent of CEOs in India think that the economy will improve over ...

How practicing gratitude can improve your physical and mental health: ‘Profound effects’
It’s easy to fall into the “complaint trap” these days — but shifting to a mindset of gratitude can do ...

eating these vegetables will improve platelet count immediately in dengue fever | Dengue Fever होने पर इन सब्जियों को खाना कर दें शुरू, Platelet Count होगी तुरंत सही
How to increase platelet count fast: इन दिनों डेंगू, समेत कई तरह के बुखार फैले हुए हैं. वहीं डेंगू होने ...

Biden admin proposes changes in H-1B visa programme to improve efficiency-
By PTI WASHINGTON: The Biden administration is proposing changes in the H-1B foreign workers programme to improve efficiency by streamlining ...