
WHO calls for intensified efforts towards childhood immunization-

WHO calls for intensified efforts towards childhood immunization-


By PTI NEW DELHI: The World Health Organization on Tuesday called for intensified efforts towards childhood immunization with a focus ...

Yearly COVID vaccine as proposed by FDA? 'Cart before the horse,' says doctor

CDC adds COVID-19 vaccines to official immunization schedule for kids as young as 6 months


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a few updates last week to its child and adolescent immunization schedule. One ...

World Immunization Day 2022: हर साल 50 लाख लोगों की जान बचाता है इम्यूनाइजेशन, जानें क्या है यह प्रक्रिया

World Immunization Day 2022: हर साल 50 लाख लोगों की जान बचाता है इम्यूनाइजेशन, जानें क्या है यह प्रक्रिया


हाइलाइट्सइम्यूनाइजेशन के जरिए लोगों को बीमारियों से बचाया जाता है.महामारी से बचाने में इम्यूनाइजेशन का काफी महत्व होती है. World ...