
Male suspect in Berlin school knife attack that seriously injured 2 girls may have drug-induced mental illness
German prosecutors said Thursday that a man who seriously wounded two young girls in an attack at a school in ...

how to care babies kids in summers follow five tips save from illness | Kids Health: गर्मियों में छोटे बच्चे जल्दी पड़ते हैं बीमार, इन 5 तरीकों से करें उनकी केयर
How To Care Baby In Summers: गर्मियों का मौसम आ चुका है. अब धीरे-धीरे गर्मी अपना प्रचंड रूप ले रही ...

Former India and Mumbai player Sudhir Naik dies after brief illness at 78 | IPL 2023 के बीच सामने आई बेहद बुरी खबर, इस भारतीय दिग्गज खिलाड़ी का हुआ निधन
Sudhir Naik dies at 78: इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग 2023 (IPL 2023) के बीच भारतीय क्रिकेट जगत से एक बुरी खबर ...

Italy’s Berlusconi reportedly in ICU with respiratory illness
Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was taken to the hospital on Wednesday, according to spokesman Paolo Emilio Russo. Berlusconi, 86, was ...

Rod Stewart Cancels Show Over Unknown Illness – Hollywood Life
View gallery Image Credit: / Rod Stewart had sad — and a bit alarming — news for fans on ...

Diabetes increases risk of severe COVID illness, hospitalization by up to 40%, study says
People who have diabetes along with elevated blood sugar levels face a significantly higher risk of being hospitalized with severe ...

bad odor from body can be symptoms of some serious illness | Bad Body Odor: शरीर से बदबू आना हो सकता है किसी गंभीर बीमारी के संकेत! जानें
Body Odor From Body Symptoms: हम कभी-कभी अपने पसंदीदा डिओडोरेंट के साथ अपने शरीर की बदबू को छिपाने में असफल ...

Canada introduces law that excludes people suffering from only mental illness from accessing assisted deaths
Canada’s federal government on Thursday introduced a law that would exclude people suffering solely from mental illness from pursuing assisted ...

trending home remedies in year 2022 for minor illness nsmp | Trending Home Remedy: इस साल न0.1 फॉर्मूले पर रहे ये घरेलू उपचार, आप भी आजमाएं
Trending Home Remedies In Year 2022: साल 2022 खत्म होने में कुछ ही दिन शेष हैं. इस साल लोगों को ...