
43 Malaysian citizens rescued from Peru in telecommunication fraud, human trafficking bust
Malaysia said Monday that 43 citizens have been rescued by police in Peru after they fell victim to a human ...

Mental Health Day 10 October Why There Is A Need Of Mental Health Care For Survivors Of Human Trafficking | Mental Health Day: Human Trafficking के सर्वाइवर्स को क्यों होती है मेंटल केयर की जरूरत? ये बातें करती हैं परेशान
Why There Is A Need Of Mental Health Care For Survivors Of Human Trafficking: हर साल 10 अक्टूबर को वर्ल्ड ...

Iranian girl, 16, beaten into coma by morality police in Tehran over hijab, human rights group claims
A human rights group is claiming that a 16-year-old Iranian girl was hospitalized after morality police beat her into a ...

Human Lifespan: In 10 years humans will be able to live and work until age 120 claims American doctor | अमेरिकी डॉक्टर का दावा- 120 साल की उम्र तक आसानी से जीवित रहकर काम कर सकेगा इंसान
Human lifespan: 20वीं शताब्दी की शुरुआत से, विज्ञान और स्वास्थ्य देखभाल में प्रगति के कारण मानव जीवन काल में वृद्धि ...

How many cells are in the human body latest study revealed the exact number | Cells In Human Body: इंसान के शरीर में कितने सेल्स होते हैं? शोध में पता चली सटीक संख्या
मानव शरीर में मौजूद कोशिकाओं (cells) की सटीक संख्या का पता चल गया है. पुरुषों में 36 लाख करोड़ कोशिकाएं ...

Why We Should Never Eat Consume Processed Meat Harmful Effect on Human Health | Processed Meat क्यों है आपकी सेहत का बड़ा दुश्मन? ज्यादा खाएंगे तो होगा ऐसा बुरा हाल
Processed Meat Side Effects: ताजे मीट अगर सीमित मात्रा में खाया जाए तो ये सेहत के लिए फायदेमंद साबित हो ...

UN General Assembly meets for third day as leaders raise alarms on human rights, pressing matters
The third day of the United Nations General Assembly meeting kicked off in New York City on Thursday, with leaders ...

Health and Human Services Department awards clinics treating long COVID patients $45 million
The U.S. government is awarding $45 million in grants to help clinics treating long COVID develop new models of care ...

Human rights in Russia have ‘significantly’ worsened since Ukraine war began, UN-backed expert says-
By Associated Press GENEVA: The rights situation in Russia has “significantly deteriorated” since President Vladimir Putin launched his war against ...

Researchers introduce 100,000 human neurons into brains of mic-
By Online Desk Alzheimer’s has been quietly destroying the brain for years. If you could open the skull, you would ...