
Stung by prison battle, Kurds say they need help against IS-
By Associated Press HASSAKEH: Weeks after the long, furious battle with militants from the Islamic State group over a prison ...

Power cuts help revive Syrian tradition of public bathhouses-
By Associated Press DAMASCUS: At Hammam Bakri in Damascus’ Old City, Syrian men wrapped in towels from the waist down ...

‘Long COVID’ patients leave ‘antibody signature’ that may help predict syndrome, study says
COVID-19 patients may not need to wait long after being infected to know if they will develop post-acute COVID-19 syndrome ...

VVS Laxman Mentorship help Team India to overcome Hurdules in ICC Under 19 World Cup 2022 Yash Dhull | U19 World Cup: भारत की जीत में इस पूर्व क्रिकेटर का अहम रोल, कामयाब रहा टीम का प्लान
कूलिज (एंटीगा): भारतीय जूनियर टीम के कप्तान यश ढुल (Yash Dhull) ने कहा कि टीम में कोविड-19 पॉजिटिव के कई ...

Rejected by New Zealand, former Al Jazeera reporter turns to Taliban for help-
By Associated Press WELLINGTON: A pregnant New Zealand journalist says she turned to the Taliban for help and is now ...

UP Assembly Elections bku leader starts campaiging against bjp and cm yogi adityanath says dm will help bjp to win up chunav upat – UP Chunav में बीजेपी के खिलाफ माहौल बनाने में जुटे राकेश टिकैत, अब बोले
लखनऊ. उत्तर प्रदेश में आगामी विधानसभा चुनाव (UP Assembly Elections 2022) को लेकर इन दिनों सभी राजनैतिक दलों नें अपने ...

George Floyd ‘needed help and wasn’t getting it’, says firefighter-
By Associated Press ST. PAUL, Minnesota: First it was a paramedic, testifying that the officers who restrained George Floyd didn’t call ...

Pets registretion camp in noida with the help of mobile app penalty cow dog dlnh
नोएडा. पेट्स (Pets) जिसमे कुत्ते (Dog)-बिल्ली शामिल हैं का नोएडा अथॉरिटी (Noida Authority) रजिस्ट्रेशन कर रही है. सोसाइटी और कालोनियों ...