

weight loss tips from chia seeds include in daily diet lose weight quickly | Weight Loss Tips: अगर फटाफट करना है वेट लॉस, तो आहार में शामिल करें चिया सीड्स


Weight Loss Tips From Chia Seeds: अधिक वजन वाले लोग वेट लॉस के लिए क्या- क्या नहीं ट्राई करते हैं, ...


parents should give six foods in diet to children for active brain and sharp memory | Parents अपने बच्चों को डाइट में दें ये 6 Foods, तभी तो बनेंगे स्‍मार्ट और इंटेलिजेंट


Foods For Children: बच्चों के माइंड को हेल्दी और एक्टिव रखने के लिए सबसे अहम भूमिका एक संतुलित आहार की ...


diabetic patients must do vajrasana daily to control sugar right way to do | डायबिटीज पेशेंट्स के लिए वरदान है वज्रासन, रोजाना सुबह करने के लिए जानें सही तरीका


Yoga For Diabetic Patients: आज के समय में शुगर के मरीजों की संख्या तेजी से बढ़ रही है. आंकड़ों को ...

Yearly COVID vaccine as proposed by FDA? 'Cart before the horse,' says doctor

CDC adds COVID-19 vaccines to official immunization schedule for kids as young as 6 months


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a few updates last week to its child and adolescent immunization schedule. One ...

Employer-sponsored health insurance is not adequately covering all health services for many: report

Prior COVID infection provides just as much protection as vaccines, new study finds


A new study found that a previous COVID-19 infection offers at least the same level of protection as two doses ...

Mask mandates are the ‘most damaging’ to young people: Former Levi Strauss and Co. executive

Arkansas mom says school mask mandates led to ‘cruelty and discrimination’ against her daughter


To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first recommended the wearing of face ...

Nutrition tips that make great sense and are delicious, too

Be well: Prepare a dinner rich in vitamin D for good health


Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D, but depending on where you live, it may be tough to catch ...

New study shows drinking coffee daily can lead to living longer: Dr. Janette Nesheiwat

Coffee quitters could get some help: Decaf dose may help reduce withdrawal symptoms


A new study gives hope to those who want to change their morning coffee ritual. Researchers have found that a cup ...


Peanuts for healthy and glowing skin it can add beauty in your face Peanuts benefits in hindi | Peanuts Benefits: मूंगफली को ड्राई फ्रूट से ना समझे कम, आपके चेहरे में लगा सकती है चार चांद


Benefits of Peanuts: आप सभी जानते होंगे कि ड्राई फ्रूट (बादाम, काजू, अखरोट) हमारी सेहत के लिए कितने लाभकारी हैं, ...


Garlic Side Effects: these 4 people should not eat garlic because it harm them badly lahsun khane ke nuksan | Garlic Side Effects: सर्वगुण संपन्न है लहसुन, फिर भी इन 4 लोगों को नहीं खाना चाहिए; वरना खड़ी हो जाएगी मुसीबत


Side Effects of Garlic: भारत के ज्यादातर घरों में लहसुन का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और यह आसानी से मिल ...