

Healthy Drinks For Managing High Blood Pressure BP Ko Kam Kaise Kare


High blood pressure drinks: ब्लड प्रेशर आज के समय की एक बहुत कॉमन समस्या बनकर उभर रही है. हाई ब्लड ...


How to get rid of constipation kabj ka ilaj sabja basil seeds for constipation


Constipation home remedies: कब्ज एक बेहद आम समस्या है जोकि खराब जीवनशैली और खानपान के कारण पैदा होती है. इससे ...

New Alzheimer

Vision problems could mean higher dementia risk, study finds: ‘Eye health and brain health are closely linked’


Older adults with vision problems may be more likely to develop dementia, a new study published in JAMA Ophthalmology has ...


Morning drinks to lose belly fat pet kam karne ke tareeke fennel seeds


Morning drinks to lose belly fat: बढ़ता वजन आज के समय की प्रमुख समस्याओं में से एक हैं. खासकर पेट ...


Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure Blood Pressure Kaise Karein Control


Low blood pressure remedy: आज के समय की भागदौड़ भरी लाइफ का आपकी सेहत पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ रहा है. ...


Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Brain Health Mental Health Hindi News


Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Brain: आज के समय में स्ट्रेस (stress) और एंग्जाइटी के शिकार होना बहुत आम ...


Home Remedies For Sore Throat Gale Ke Dard Mein Kese Aaram Paye


Home Remedies For Sore Throat: बारिश के मौसम में भीगने या के चलते या सर्द गर्म होने के कारण गले ...

Tiger gets teeth checked:

‘Dentist’s dream’ of regrowing teeth advances to clinical trials in Japan, says report


A shark’s menacing teeth can scare anyone out of the water — but one aspect of some sharks’ existence may ...

Post-grads among 35K applicants for one-year job to cut grass and catch snakes in Bengal-

Monsoon fury forces ICMR to issue snakebite cure guidelines for health workers-


Express News Service NEW DELHI: As snakebite cases have started rising because of the rains, the ICMR is soon going ...

‘Sleep divorce’: Why are some couples spending their nights in separate beds?

‘Sleep divorce’: Why are some couples spending their nights in separate beds?


For many couples, it seems “for better or for worse” does not include tossing and turning during the night.A growing ...