conjunctivitis eye flu adenovirus become major reason for eye flu infection cases take these precautions | Eye Flu: तेजी से फैल रहे आई फ्लू की बड़ी वजह बन रहा ये वायरस, इन बातों का रखें ख्याल
Causes of eye flu: बारिश-बाढ़ के बाद दिल्ली और इसके आसपास के इलाकों में कंजंक्टिवाइटिस यानी आई फ्लू (आंखों का ...
Your weight is not reducing even after doing regular exercise then you might be making these mistakes | Exercise के बाद भी कम नहीं हो रहा आपका वजन? शायद ये गलती कर रहे होंगे आप!
Weight loss mistakes: बढ़ा हुआ वजन कम करना एक चुनौतीपूर्ण काम हो सकता है. यह एक ऐसी जर्नी है जिसमें ...
Madonna Rocks Sheer Bra Top In Motivational Selfies After Health Scare – Hollywood Life
View gallery Image Credit: Gregory Pace/Shutterstock Madonna has returned to Instagram with an inspirational message for her beloved fans. In ...
Dementia-depression connection: Early sadness can lead to later cognitive issues, study finds
This story discusses suicide. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please contact the Suicide & ...
CDC likely to recommend annual COVID booster shot, director says
The new director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday that her agency would likely come ...
Mysterious illness triggered by tick bite could affect thousands, yet many doctors are unaware of it
A little-known, life-threatening food allergy that is triggered by a tick bite could be affecting hundreds of thousands of people ...
AI tech aims to detect breast cancer by mimicking radiologists’ eye movements: ‘A critical friend’
Researchers in the U.K. are training artificial intelligence models to “read” mammogram images by mimicking the gaze of human radiologists, ...
Vitamin E is necessary for eye health and healthy heart start eating these foods Vitamin E Deficiency | Vitamin E Deficiency: आंखों और दिल की देखभाल के लिए जरूरी है विटामिन ई, आज ही डाइटे में शामिल करें ये 3 तरह के फूड
Deficiency of vitamin E: विटामिन ई एक महत्वपूर्ण विटामिन है जो हमारे शरीर के लिए कई गुणकारी फायदों से भरा ...
World Hepatitis Day 2023 hepatitis virus slowly eats liver hepatitis a b c d e causes symptoms prevention tips | World Hepatitis Day 2023: लिवर को धीरे-धीरे खा जाता है हेपेटाइटिस वायरस, जानें कैसे करें Hepatitis से पूर्ण बचाव
विश्व हेपेटाइटिस दिवस (World Hepatitis Day) हर साल 28 जुलाई को मनाया जाता है. यह एक अहम अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिन है ...