

If You Have Oily Skin then Should Avoid these Food Items Jack Fruit Raw Vegetable Full Fat Dairy Product | Oily Skin: अगर आपकी भी है ऑयली स्किन, तो भूलकर भी न खाएं ये चीजें, होगा नुकसान


People With Oily Skin Should Avoid These Foods: ऑयली स्किन के साथ जीना आसान नहीं है, जिन महिलाओं और परुषों की ...


Diabetes patients must do postprandial blood sugar levels test you will never face any problem | Diabetes: खाना खाने के बाद डायबिटीज के मरीज जरूर करें ये काम, कभी नहीं होगी दिक्कत


डायबिटीज मरीजों को खाना करने के बाद ब्लड शुगर लेवल की निगरानी जरूर करनी चाहिए, क्योंकि यह इस बारे में ...


Desi medicine for diabetes patients 5 multi grains will eliminate high sugar from blood | डायबिटीज मरीजों के लिए औषधि से कम नहीं 5 मोटे अनाज, खून में बढ़ी हुई शुगर को कर देंगे खत्म


पांच मोटे अनाज बढ़े हुए शुगर को पूरी तरह गलाकर शरीर से बाहर निकाल देंगे. इस पांच मोटे अनाजों में ...


Alzheimer’s Disease is more common in women than men in India know what precautions should be taken | भारत में पुरुषों से ज्यादा महिलाओं में भूलने की बीमारी, बरतें ये सावधानी


भारत में बुजुर्ग पुरुषों से ज्यादा बुजुर्ग महिलाएं कोई बात जल्द भूल जा रही हैं. इसमें अधिक संख्या ग्रामीण आबादी ...

Flesh-Eating Bacteria: What is it?

New York State Department releases guidance after 3 dead from flesh-eating bacteria in New York, Connecticut


The New York State Health Department released guidance for residents to identify a flesh-eating bacterium that has claimed the lives ...

High school yearbook includes pages on sex, drugs, and partying

Parents prepping for back-to-school time are urged to talk to kids about drugs: ‘Far-reaching implications’


With a new school year on the horizon, it’s a critical time for parents and caregivers to talk to kids ...

New study suggests possible breakthrough in treating autism

Researchers use artificial intelligence to help diagnose autism, study says


Researchers are proposing using artificial intelligence technology to help diagnose autism spectrum disorder.In a recent article published in Scientific Reports, ...

Tips and tricks to prepare for back to school

Be well: Ease back-to-school anxiety for kids with these expert tips


Tips and tricks to prepare for back to school Founder & CEO of Success Academy Eva Moskowitz on how to ...

Flesh-Eating Bacteria: What is it?

Connecticut residents die after shellfish bacteria infection


Two Connecticut residents died over the summer due to infections linked to bacteria found in raw shellfish or seawater, health ...

Scientists claim new DNA-editing tool could correct 89 percent of disease-causing gene mutations

Rhode Island woman dies after infection with tick-borne disease


A Rhode Island woman is dead after contracting a rare case ot the tick-borne Powassan virus disease. The Rhode Island Department ...