

Unique story: sitting for long hours is as dangerous as smoking keep 5 things in mind if you are doing desk job | देर तक बैठे रहना Smoking जितना खतरनाक, डेस्क जॉब करते हैं तो 5 बातों का रखें ध्यान


Side effects of sitting too long: आज के दौर में काम करने के पैटर्न में काफी बदलाव आया है. ज्यादातर ...

Daily aspirin after a heart attack can reduce the risk of future events, study finds

Daily aspirin after a heart attack can reduce the risk of future events, study finds


For people who have previously had a heart attack, taking a daily aspirin could reduce their risk of a repeat ...

Be well: 5 tips for managing postpartum issues from a New York-based family physician

Be well: 5 tips for managing postpartum issues from a New York-based family physician


This story discusses suicide. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please contact the Suicide & ...

Mistreatment in maternity care, avoiding high cholesterol and the health benefits of laughter

Mistreatment in maternity care, avoiding high cholesterol and the health benefits of laughter


Doctors weigh in after a recent CDC report found that up to 20% of women have been mistreated in some ...

Unexplained fever? Malaria might be a possible diagnosis regardless of travel history, says CDC

Unexplained fever? Malaria might be a possible diagnosis regardless of travel history, says CDC


Don’t rule out malaria just because you haven’t traveled anywhere.In light of recent locally acquired cases in the U.S., the ...

'Silent walking' trend: Psychiatrist shares stress-relieving benefits of strolling in silence

‘Silent walking’ trend: Psychiatrist shares stress-relieving benefits of strolling in silence


The idea of taking a silent walk might seem completely intuitive — but on TikTok, people are taking part in ...


Dhokla available at the shop is not less than poison excessive soda intake can damage your body part | दुकान पर मिलने वाला ढोकला ‘जहर’ से कम नहीं, शरीर का ये अंग हो जाता है डैमेज!


ढोकला एक लोकप्रिय गुजराती व्यंजन है जो बेसन, नमक और पानी से बनाया जाता है. इसे भाप में पकाया जाता ...


Yoga or gym workout which is best to stay fit know the answer from expert | योग या जिम, जिंदगी भर फिट रहने के लिए क्या है सबसे बेस्ट? एक्सपर्ट से जाने जवाब


फिटनेस जीवन जीने का एक तरीका है, न कि केवल वर्कआउट का एक सेट जो वजन घटाने में मदद करता ...