
Be well: Stop grinding your teeth for better dental health

Be well: Stop grinding your teeth for better dental health


Up to a third of adults grind their teeth in the daytime and more than 10% do it unknowingly while ...


What are The Main Benefits of Having 8 Hours Of Proper Sleep Poori neend Lene Ke Fayde | Proper Sleep: 8 घंटे की भरपूर नींद लेने से क्या होगा? जानिए सेहत पर पड़ने वाला असर


Benefits of Proper Sleep: नींद हमारी बॉडी और माइंड के लिए बेहद जरूरी है, अगर ये न मिले तो इंसान ...

Stuffy nose? Common OTC nasal decongestants with phenylephrine don’t work in tablet form, experts say

Stuffy nose? Common OTC nasal decongestants with phenylephrine don’t work in tablet form, experts say


As frustrating as colds and allergies may be to those who suffer from them, even more sobering is the notion ...


Food for weight gain: start eating these 3 things with potatoes to increase weight how to gain weight | Weight Gain: दुबले-पतले शरीर को बनाना चाहते हैं सख्त? आलू के साथ इन 3 चीजों का करें सेवन


Food for weight gain: भारत में आलू एक लोकप्रिय सब्जी है, जो हमारे शरीर के लिए जरूरी पोषक तत्व प्रदान ...

10 tips to live to be 100: ‘Far more than wishful thinking,' say longevity experts

10 tips to live to be 100: ‘Far more than wishful thinking,’ say longevity experts


More and more people are making it to the 100-year milestone.Nearly 90,000 people were at least 100 years and older ...


What are the main Anxiety Symptoms You should know Breathing Problem Uneasyness Indigestion Constipation | Anxiety Symptoms: एंग्जाइटी डिसआर्डर होने पर शरीर देता है ऐसे इशारे, इग्नोर करना हो सकता है खतरनाक


Anxiety Warning Sign: आजकल की भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में फिक्र, टेंशन, खौफ और बेचैनी होना आम बात है. हमने कई ...

Pig kidney functions inside donated body for record 2 months

Pig kidney functions inside donated body for record 2 months


Dozens of doctors and nurses silently lined the hospital hallway in tribute: For a history-making two months, a pig’s kidney ...

hindi news

Dengue sting become more fatal patients are facing many health problems after getting cure from fever | Dengue: घातक हो गया डेंगू का डंक, बुखार उतर जाने के बाद भी इन दिक्कतों का सामना कर रहे पीड़ित


Dengue fever hovoc: देश के काफी सारे हिस्सों में डेंगू के मामले तेजी से बढ़ते जा रहे हैं. इतना ही ...

Cancer prevention diet, tips to live to 100 years old — and pregnant woman with cancer refuses abortion

Cancer prevention diet, tips to live to 100 years old — and pregnant woman with cancer refuses abortion


Tasha Kann, a Michigan mom, was determined to keep her baby alive, even if it meant sacrificing her own treatment. ...