
Want a more accurate blood pressure reading? Try lying down when it's taken, new study suggests

Want a more accurate blood pressure reading? Try lying down when it’s taken, new study suggests


Lying down while getting your blood pressure taken could result in a more accurate reading, according to new findings presented ...

Aung Sang Suu Kyi's son is worried about her health in detention & Myanmar's violent crisis-

Aung Sang Suu Kyi’s son is worried about her health in detention & Myanmar’s violent crisis-


By Associated Press BANGKOK: The younger son of ousted Myanmar leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi says he has always avoided ...

Cancer after 9/11: New Jersey man beats multiple myeloma years after attack, vows he'll ‘fight to live’

Cancer after 9/11: New Jersey man beats multiple myeloma years after attack, vows he’ll ‘fight to live’


Nearly 3,000 people died in the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 — and 22 years later, that number continues ...


What Dust Pollutants Harmful Effects AQI Of Delhi NCR Air Quality Index Building Construction | धूल के कणों के बीच सांस लेने से क्या नुकसान होंगे? जानिए ऐसा करने का रिस्क


Dust Pollutants Harmful Effects: भारत के कई शहर दुनिया के सबसे ज्यादा प्रदूषित शहरों में टॉप 10 में आते हैं, ...

Updated COVID vaccines: FDA announces emergency approval and authorization

Updated COVID vaccines: FDA announces emergency approval and authorization


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Monday that it has approved and authorized updated versions of mRNA ...


Mango to pineapple these 5 high sugar fruits never eat in diabetes blood sugar can goes higher than 400 mg/dl | डायबिटीज मरीजों के लिए ‘जहर’ से कम नहीं ये 5 फल, 400 के पार हो जाएगा ब्लड शुगर लेवल!


Fruits to avoid in diabetes: डायबिटीज एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें शरीर इंसुलिन का पर्याप्त उत्पादन नहीं कर पाता है ...

Opposites may not attract after all: Recent study reveals the fascinating similarities between most couples

Opposites may not attract after all: Recent study reveals the fascinating similarities between most couples


The well-known saying that “opposites attract” may not always be accurate, according to a recent report from the University of ...


Nimbin compound rich neem leaves water will give you 6 benefits what is best time to drink it unique story | नीम के पानी में मौजूद Nimbin कंपाउंड से मिलेंगे 6 गजब के फायदे, जानिए किस वक्त पीना होगा सबसे अच्छा?


Neem leaves water: नीम की पत्तियां का स्वाद निश्चित रूप से अच्छा नहीं है, लेकिन ये एंटीऑक्सीडेंट और एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुणों ...

Ask a doc: 'How can I reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease?' Here are 3 tips

Ask a doc: ‘How can I reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease?’ Here are 3 tips


While there currently is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease — the most common type of dementia — there are healthy ...