
Health and Human Services Department awards clinics treating long COVID patients $45 million

Health and Human Services Department awards clinics treating long COVID patients $45 million


The U.S. government is awarding $45 million in grants to help clinics treating long COVID develop new models of care ...

New Mexico puppy is euthanized after it contracted rabies: This is a '100% preventable disease'

New Mexico puppy is euthanized after it contracted rabies: This is a ‘100% preventable disease’


A puppy recently tested positive for rabies and was euthanized in New Mexico, according to a news release from the ...


Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast Nashta Kyon Nahi Chhorna Chaiye Benefits and Side Effects | Breakfast: इन 3 वजहों से कभी नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए ब्रेकफास्ट, वरना सेहत का होगा बुरा हाल]


Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast: नाश्ता दिन का एक अहम मील है, इसे स्किप करने से कई स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं ...

At least six Palestinians killed in latest fighting with Israel, Palestinian health officials say-

At least six Palestinians killed in latest fighting with Israel, Palestinian health officials say-


By Associated Press TEL AVIV (ISRAEL): Israeli military operations in the occupied West Bank and unrest in the Gaza Strip ...


What Will Happen If You Dont Sleep Daily 8 Hours For A Month Kam Sone Ke Nuksan | अगर एक महीने तक रोजाना 8 घंटे की नींद न लें तो क्या होगा? जानिए सेहत पर पड़ेगा कैसा असर


Sleep Disorder: नींद हमारी जीवन का एक अहम हिस्सा है जिसके बिना आप सुकून से नहीं रह सकते है. अगर ...


These People Shouls Not Eat Too Much Pine Apple Side Effects Zyada Ananas Khane Ke Nuksan | Pine Apple: इन बीमारियों नहीं खानी चाहिए ज्यादा अनानास, वरना पड़ जाएंगे लेने के देने


Zyada Ananas Khane Ke Nuksan:अनानास, जिसे पाइनऐप्पल भी कहा जाता है, काफी लोंगों का एक पसंदीदा फल है जो अपनी ...

Ask a doc: 'How can I make vaccinations and blood draws less scary for my child?'

Ask a doc: ‘How can I make vaccinations and blood draws less scary for my child?’


Back-to-school time means a focus on children’s immunizations ahead of flu season — but the prospect of shots can be ...

Dust at day care centers contained bacteria that could cause lung issues in kids, study found

Dust at day care centers contained bacteria that could cause lung issues in kids, study found


Bacteria-containing dust found at day care centers could put children at a higher risk of asthma, a new study from ...

Prostate cancer symptoms, warning signs and treatment

Prostate cancer symptoms, warning signs and treatment


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in American men. The only type of cancer more common than prostate cancer ...


Yoga for high cholesterol 3 yoga poses will keep cholesterol level normal naturally | Yoga For High Cholesterol: कोलेस्ट्रॉल लेवल को नेचुरली बैलेंस करके रखेंगे ये 3 योग, डेली रूटीन में करें इन्हें शामिल


How to reduce high cholesterol: कोलेस्ट्रॉल एक मोमी पदार्थ है जो हमारे खून में पाया जाता है. नई सेल्स और आवश्यक ...