What happens if you eat sweets before bed Raat Ke Waqt Meetha Khane Ke Nuksaan | Sweet Cravings At Night: देर रात को आप भी खाते हैं मीठी चीजें? तो इन नुकसान से नहीं बच पाएंगे
What happens if you eat sweets before bed: कई बार डिनर करने के कुछ घंटे बाद हमें जब तेज भूख ...
Surprise homecoming for teen cancer patient, breast cancer myths and tips for better sleep
When a 17-year-old brain cancer patient, Megan Krafty, was disappointed about having to miss her senior homecoming, her caregivers decided ...
CDC stops printing COVID-19 vaccination cards: pandemic relic
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stopped printing coronavirus vaccination cards since the federal government is no ...
Ask a doc: ‘When should I worry about heart palpitations?’
Most of us have had that unsettling sensation when our heart seems to flutter or “skip” a beat — but ...
what is water intoxication, how much water we should drink | अगर अधिक पानी पी रहे हों तो रुक जाएं, जान पर आ सकती है आफत
Water Intoxication: पानी, जिंदगी का मूल आधार है. अगर आप कम पानी पीएं तो खतरा अगर अधिक पानी पी लें ...
Flu prevention tips from Florida’s surgeon general: A ‘day-to-day’ healthy lifestyle is key
Flu season is right around the corner — and Americans are gearing up to protect themselves from getting sick.While many ...
Emotional eating do not eat too much in emotions you may have to face these big problems like heart attack | Emotional Eating: भावनाओं में बहकर ज्यादा न खाएं, उठानी पड़ सकती है ये बड़ी समस्याएं
Emotional eating: दुखी, उदास या तनावग्रस्त होने पर जंक फूड, चॉकलेट व कैफीन युक्त चीजें अधिक खाते हैं तो संभल जाएं. ...
6 signs your mattress might be disrupting your sleep, according to experts
When you sleep on a hard mattress, your odds of getting poor sleep can increase by 78%, according to data ...
Flaxseed roti is no less than nectar cancer like many deadly disease will remain away from you unique story | Flaxseeds Roti: अमृत से कम नहीं है ये रोटी, कैंसर सहित कई बीमारियां हमेशा रहेंगी दूर
रोटियां कई तरह की होती हैं, जैसे मक्के की रोटी, बाजरे की रोटी, बेसन की रोटी, आदि. लेकिन आमतौर पर ...