
Centre's Tele-MANAS helpline offering mental health services received over 3 lakh calls in a year-

Centre’s Tele-MANAS helpline offering mental health services received over 3 lakh calls in a year-


By Express News Service NEW DELHI: The Centre’s National Tele-Mental Health Program (Tele-MANAS), which was launched last year to provide ...


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जेनेटिक टेस्टिंग एक ऐसा टेस्ट है जो यह पता लगा सकता है कि किसी व्यक्ति में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर होने का ...


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Mayo Clinic sees AI as ‘transformative force’ in health care, appoints Dr. Bhavik Patel as chief AI officer


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Abortion on demand: These 6 states allow women to get pregnancy-ending drugs by phone or online


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