
How To Prioritize Bone Health Wellness For Seniors During Winters | Bone Health: सर्दियों के मौसम में बुजुर्गों की हड्डियों को कैसे बचाएं? इस तरह कर सकते हैं देखभाल
Prioritizing Bone Wellness For Seniors During Winters: जैसे ही सर्दियों का मौसम शुरू होता है, ये ठंडे तापमान और कई ...

Taking selfies is considered a public health problem in new study
The taking of selfies is now considered legitimately dangerous.A review by the University of New South Wales concluded that taking ...

Experimental weight loss drug could help treat fatty liver disease in people with obesity, study finds
The experimental weight loss drug retatrutide could also help to improve liver health, a new study suggests.The findings came from ...

Impact of Changing Weather on Elderly Health How To take Care of their Well Being | Changing Weather: बदलता हुआ मौसम बुजुर्गों के लिए कितना खतरनाक? जानिए अपने बड़ों को बीमारियों से कैसे बचाएं
Impact of Changing Weather on Elderly Health: बदलते हुए मौसम को सेहत का विलेन कहा जाता है, क्योंकि इस वक्त ...

China pressed by World Health Organization after respiratory illness clusters reported
Chinese health officials said Thursday that they have not detected any “unusual or novel diseases” regarding an increase in respiratory ...

Deficiency Of Vitamin B12 Will Results in Weak Body Eat Milk Meat Chicken | Vitamin Deficiency: इस विटामिन की कमी से कमजोर होगा बदन, बचने के लिए खाएं ऐसे फूड्स
Vitamin B12 Deficiency: हमारे शरीर के विकास के लिए हमें कई तरह के न्यूट्रिएंट्स की जरूरत पड़ती है, जिसे पूरा करने ...

Illinois virus outbreak linked to dollar burrito event for Northwestern University students
The Evanston Health and Human Services Department is investigating a norovirus outbreak linked to a $1-burrito event for Northwestern University ...

Alabama woman’s miracle pregnancy, belly fat-dementia link, and the latest sleep trends
Kelsey Hatcher, 32, said she feels ‘blessed and grateful’ for this rare pregnancy. (Caleb Shaver/Kelsey Hatcher) 1 IN 50 MILLION ...