
ब्लड ट्रांसफ्यूजन: अगल-बगल लेटे मरीजों पर चढ़ा दिया गलत ग्रुप का खून, क्या हो सकता है रिजल्ट? | Whats Happens If Patient Given Wrong Blood Type For Transfusion? Deadly Mistake Leads Two In ICU In Pune
Wrong Blood Transfusion: पुणे में मेडिकल लापरवाही से दो मरीजों की जान पर बन आई. दोनों को अगल-बगल लिटाकर खून ...

Pakistan’s election left no clear winner. So who is likely to govern and what happens next?
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s parliamentary elections left no clear winner.Allies of imprisoned ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan won the most seats in the ...

Pakistan’s election results are out, and there is no winner. This is what happens next.
The final results of Pakistan’s elections are out. But there’s still no winner.Allies of imprisoned ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan won ...

Donald Trump is on the hook for USD 88.3 million in defamation damages; what happens next?
The first trailCarroll sued Trump for defamation in 2019, saying his statements about her were false and damaged her reputation. ...

Panama’s high court declares mining contract unconstitutional. Here is what happens next
Panama (AP) — In a historic ruling, Panama’s Supreme Court this week declared that legislation granting a Canadian copper mine ...

Is Israel’s Iron Dome missile defence system ironclad? What happens if Hezbollah enters war?-
By Associated Press JERUSALEM: Since Israel activated the Iron Dome in 2011, the cutting-edge rocket-defence system has intercepted thousands of ...

Dental health do not ignore toothache know why this happens how to get relief tooth pain | Toothache: दांत दर्द को न करें अनदेखा, जानिए क्यों होता है ऐसा; कैसे मिलगा आराम?
Cause of toothache: दांत दर्द एक आम समस्या है, जो मामूली झुंझलाहट से लेकर गंभीर परेशानी बन सकती है. दांत ...

What happens if you eat sweets before bed Raat Ke Waqt Meetha Khane Ke Nuksaan | Sweet Cravings At Night: देर रात को आप भी खाते हैं मीठी चीजें? तो इन नुकसान से नहीं बच पाएंगे
What happens if you eat sweets before bed: कई बार डिनर करने के कुछ घंटे बाद हमें जब तेज भूख ...

What happens if US government enters a shutdown?-
By AFP WASHINGTON: The United States is heading toward a government shutdown this weekend with no foreseeable way out of ...

Vitamin B12 deficiency happens due to lack of Cobalt in our body start eating these b12 rich foods immediately | शरीर में Cobalt की कमी से विटामिन बी12 का लेवल हो जाता है बेहद कम, तुरंत खाना शुरू करें ये 5 फूड
Deficiency of vitamin b12: विटामिन बी12 एक महत्वपूर्ण विटामिन है, जो रेड ब्लड सेल्स के उत्पादन डीएनए संश्लेषण और नर्वस ...