Kelly Osbourne’s gestational diabetes: It can happen in third trimester of pregnancy
Kelly Osbourne, a daughter of Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne, was recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her third trimester of ...
Gestational diabetes is on the rise: Here are nutrition tips to prevent and treat it
NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can occur during pregnancy ...
gestational diabetes is highly prevaling in indian urban cities like delhi lucknow mumbai patna samp | ‘Sugar Free’ जिंदगी: दिल्ली, मुंबई, लखनऊ, पटना जैसे शहरों में बढ़ रही है ये Diabetes, जानें कंट्रोल करने के लिए क्या खाएं?
World Diabetes Day 2021: दिल्ली, मुंबई, लखनऊ, पटना जैसे भारतीय शहरों में जेस्टेशनल डायबिटीज काफी फैल रही है. इस तरह ...