
Miracle of medical science: a 26 year old woman without functional ovaries give birth to twins via IVF | मेडिकल साइंस का कमाल: बिना Ovaries वाली महिला बनीं मां, IVF की मदद से दिया जुड़वा बच्चों को जन्म
कभी ऐसा सुना है कि बिना ओवरी (अंडाशय) वाली महिला मां बन सकती है? जी हां, यह मेडिकल साइंस के ...

10 functional health predictions for 2024, according to a doctor and a wellness expert
Heading into a new year, we all want to stay as healthy as possible — and some doctors believe that ...

US surgeons say pig kidney functional in human for more than a month-
By AFP US surgeons who transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a brain dead patient said Wednesday the organ ...