
New York elects former policeman Eric Adams as second ever Black mayor-
By AFP NEW YORK: Ex-cop Eric Adams, who fought racial discrimination within the police, was elected New York’s next mayor on ...

Former Afghanistan VP Amrullah Saleh asks Asharaf Ghani to release tapes with Zalmay Khalilzad-
By ANI KABUL: Afghanistan’s former Vice President Amrullah Saleh has asked the ex-president of country Asharaf Ghani to release the ...

Taliban deny reports of former government security personnel joining Islamic State-
By ANI KABUL: The Taliban has denied reports that former Afghan security forces have joined the ranks of the Islamic ...

former goa cm manohar parrikar lost his life due to cancer like his wife read about pancreatic cancer samp | गर्दिश में सितारे: पाकिस्तान को सिखाया सबक, सादगी से गुजारी जिंदगी और फिर पत्नी के बाद खुद भी इस बीमारी से जिंदगी हार गए थे ‘स्कूटर वाले CM’
Gardish Mein Sitare/सुरेंद्र अग्रवाल: साल 2013 में जब आम आदमी पार्टी ने देश की राजधानी की बागडोर संभाली, तो पहली ...