
Local World Food Program head shot, killed in Yemen
Gunmen shot and killed the head of one of the World Food Program’s offices in Yemen on Friday, the humanitarian ...

Good Sleep: 5 best foods to increase sleep quality at night risk of heart attack and stroke decrease | Food For Good Sleep: रात में अच्छी नींद के लिए इन फूड्स से कर लें दोस्ती, हार्ट अटैक का खतरा होगा कम
Sleep quality: दिन में अच्छे से काम करने के लिए रात में आठ घंटे की नींद लेना जरूरी है. एक ...

UN food agency to cut cash aid for 120,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan amid unprecedented funding crisis
The United Nations food agency has announced its decision to reduce the monthly cash assistance provided to 120,000 Syrian refugees ...

100K Haitians won’t receive help from UN World Food Program due to shortage of funds
The U.N.’s World Food Program announced Monday that it is facing a shortage of funds and won’t be able to ...

Russia halts wartime deal that allows Ukraine to ship grain in a hit to global food security-
By Associated Press LONDON: Russia said Monday it has halted an unprecedented wartime deal that allows the grain to flow ...

WPI inflation declines to -4.12% in June on easing prices of food, fuel
Image Source : FILE Wholesale Price Inflation rate in India contracts further to 4.12% in June India’s wholesale inflation in ...

Unsafe food affects our health and life world health organization release figure will scare you | Unsafe Food: सेहत और जीवन पर भारी पड़ रहा असुरक्षित भोजन, WHO के ये आंकड़े डरा देंगे आपको!
दुनियाभर में खराब और असुरक्षित भोजन के कारण रोजाना औसतन 16 लाख बीमार होते हैं. विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) ने ...